Sunday, 22 May 2011

A relaxing long weekend

Thanks to the joys of Easter holidays I was able to plan a 4 night session - perfect, my lunchtime walk of the shallow pit on Thursday found someone already fishing my favoured swim and the lake was pretty packed so I was again planning a trip to the deep pit.

We had some scorching weather forecast for the weekend and I dropped back into the deep end of the lake on a newly created swim that allowed me access to the weed free area towards the centre of the lake, as well as a very carpy looking margin to my right - it’s an area that can’t be fished from other swims and always tends to hold carp in its overhanging bushes and deep margins.

The lake was very quiet and as the evening drew in and there were plenty of fish showing in the middle of the lake. After an amazing sunset I drifted to sleep confident of action.

Sadly I awoke early on Friday morning without any action in the night, however I did see the odd Carp swimming under my rod tips very close in, I'd never seen Carp so close at this pit before, and it gave me confidence the fish were in the area.

I tried to fish a few areas at range with patches of hemp and boilies, but no matter what range or depth I tried I couldn't get a bite. After my second blank night I decided to go for a wander around and look for some fish - I found this lump sunbathing in the overhanging trees to my right:

After returning to my swim I switched my marginal rod to an adjustable zig to try and get a bite along the tree line, I worked it hard all day at various depths and in slightly different areas without much success. I'd seen a guy on the opposite bank catching on zigs fishing to snags in the corner of the lake so I was confident the tactic could work. I also switched one of my ranged rods to a small bag in the margin.

Again the final night passed without action, but I still fancied a fish on the zig rig along the tree's to my right, so I continued to work it at various depths. I also changed the marginal bag rod to a single flouro popup on a hinged stiff rig in the hope the colour would draw one of the patrolling fish into a take.

Around 18:00hrs on my final afternoon I was awoken from a snooze by an unexpected screaming take - After a minute or so of the fight to my surprise I knew I was connected to a Carp - a Tench would have given already. As the Carp finally started to tire I drew it towards my net - the common made one last bid for freedom and with a sickening ping the hook came free and flew over my shoulder. I was gutted, but at the same time pleasantly surprised my marginal flouro boilie had been taken, especially in full evening sunshine.

I packed up with more questions than answers, looking forward to a trip to London to meet an old friend I don’t see very often and watch Tim Minchin at the Royal Albert Hall.

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